>> Deploy

FlowCore 3.0 - Deploy on Windows(System Environment and prerequisites)

FlowCore 3.0 built with .NET 8.0/ASP.NET Core 8.0.
FlowCore includes a .NET cross-platform Kestrel web server, which can be used alone or with a reverse proxy server.
The FlowCore application <runroot> folder contains the ASP.NET Core directory structure.
Hosting on Windows Server:
lHosting FlowCore with IIS for Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016.

Hosting on Windows 11, Windows 10:
lUse Windows service to host FlowCore.

(1) Deploy the FlowCore Installation Package
1.1 Download FlowCore 3.0 and unpack the installation package.
Move the full FlowCore-approot to the target deployment path, for example <C:\FlowCore>.

Download the latest version of FlowCore 3.0

1.2 Install fonts.
Open the folder <fonts>, select all font files, right-click <install for all users>.
important note
On Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, select all font files, right-click< install or all users>.
On Windows 11, Windows 10, select all font files, right-click <Show more options>, find <Install for all users>.

1.3 Install dependent programs.
Install Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable dependencies.
Open the FlowCore package <windows-prerequisites> folder and install <vcredist_x86.exe>.

1.4 Set file system permissions for the FlowCore 3.0 directory structure.
The list of Windows Users group Users file system permissions is as follows. Digital
Path File system permissions Purpose
fonts Read Font file
license Read, Write Store the license file
runroot Read, execute ASP.NET Core directory structure
storagePath Read, Write Storage path
temp Read, Write Temporary folder
certarchive.json ReadArchive (Digital Certificate Configuration).
cloudstorage.json Read Cloud storage configuration (Azure Blob and Amazon S3).
database.json Read Configure the database connection

(2) Install the database Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL
FlowCore 3.0 supports three types of databases.
lSQL Server 2022, 2019, 2017.
lSQL Server Express 2022, 2019, 2017 (free for commercial use).
lPostgreSQL 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12 (free for commercial use).
2.1 Install Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL database. 2.2 Create a <FlowCore> database structure.
The FlowCore package, under the <database-sql-statements> folder, contains SQL statements that create the database structure.
2.3.1 SQL Server Database.
Use SQL Server Query Analyzer to execute SQL statements <microsoft-sqlserver.... sql>。
(1) System core data structure.
(2) Basic presentation workflow (processes design and form templates).

2.3.2 PostgreSQL database.
Using PostgreSQL - pgAdmin, execute SQL statements <postgresql.... sql>。
(1) System core data structure.
(2) Basic presentation workflow (processes design and form templates).

(3) Configure SQL Server or PostgreSQL database connections.
Use Notepad to open <database.json > configure the database connection information.
Use SQL Server databases: DatabaseType is <empty string> or <SQLServer>.
Use a PostgreSQL database: DatabaseType is <PostgreSQL>.
Important: In the JSON configuration file, use two <\\> to represent a <\>.
  "DatabaseType": "",
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "SQLServer": "database=FlowCore; Data Source=localhost; User ID=sa; password=YourPassword; Connect Timeout=60",
    "PostgreSQL": "Database=FlowCore; Host=localhost; Username=postgres; Password=YourPassword"
SQL Server Knowledge Point
You can install and run multiple instances of SQL Server on a single computer.
Instances are further divided into <default instance> and <named instance>, and there is at most one <default instance> on a computer, <the default instance> has no specific name.
If you want to access SQL Server <default instance>, use <computer name, localhost, or IP address>.
If you want to access SQL Server <named instance>, use the <computer name, localhost, or IP address>\\<instance name>.
Example (1) SQL Server is installed locally as the default instance, and the Data Source is as follows:
Example (2) SQL Server Expres is installed locally, the instance name is <SQLEXPRESS>, and the Data Source is as follows:
Example (3) The SQL Server server IP address is "", the instance name is <MSSQL>, and the Data Source is as follows:\\MSSQL

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