>> Deploy
Use Windows Service to host FlowCore 3.0 on Windows 11, Windows 10
FlowCore 3.0 includes the .NET cross-platform Kestrel web server.On Windows 11, Windows 10, you can use <Windows Service> to host.
You shouldn't use IIS on Windows 11, Windows 10 (can't be used in production environments).
(1) Install .NET SDK 8.0
Microsoft official website: Download .NET SDK 8.0
Select Windows - <Arm64 | x64 | x86> based on your CPU architecture, download and install.
Select Windows - <Arm64 | x64 | x86> based on your CPU architecture, download and install.
(2) Test FlowCore 3.0 console self-hosting
2.1 Open the FlowCore 3.0 deployment path <runroot>.
2.2 Run runroot/FlowCore using the Windows command line.exe Start console self-hosting.
FlowCore 3.0 binds host port http://localhost:5000 by default.
2.3 Access http://localhost:5000 using a browser. Login screenshot
2.2 Run runroot/FlowCore using the Windows command line.exe Start console self-hosting.
FlowCore 3.0 binds host port http://localhost:5000 by default.
2.3 Access http://localhost:5000 using a browser. Login screenshot
(3) Configure the Kestrel web server to bind localhost
runrootappsettings.json is the ASP.NET Core 8.0 runtime configuration file.
The Kestrel web server has a default binding http://localhost:5000.
The Kestrel web server has a default binding http://localhost:5000.
"Kestrel": { "Endpoints": { "Http": { "Url": "http://localhost:5000" } } }
(4) Register Windows service
The following registers <runroot\FlowCore .exe> as a Windows service.
Important: Please modify the <physical path> in the following command to the physical path of your actual deployment.
Important: Please modify the <physical path> in the following command to the physical path of your actual deployment.
Windows command prompt
Use <Windows Service Manager> set <FlowCore> service to start automatically.
sc.exe create FlowCore binpath=C:\FlowCore\runroot\FlowCore.exe